Namescape: Named Entity Recognition from a Literary Perspective
Jesse de Does, Katrien Depuydt, Karina van Dalen-Oskam, Maarten Marx
Chapter from the book: Odijk J. & van Hessen A. 2017. CLARIN in the Low Countries.
Chapter from the book: Odijk J. & van Hessen A. 2017. CLARIN in the Low Countries.
The project Namescape: Mapping the Landscape of Names in Modern Dutch Literature (2012–2013) was a demonstrator project granted in the third CLARIN-NL call. Partners in the project were the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, the University of Amsterdam, and the Institute for Dutch Lexicology (CLARIN centre). The project dealt with Named Entity Recognition (NER) for modern Dutch fiction and delivered two new NER tools for this purpose. It also addressed Named Entity Resolution and focused on a set of visualisations of names in individual texts from the corpus. This chapter gives an overview of the results of the project, starting with a description of the background of the research questions in the discipline of comparative literary onomastics. It then goes on to describe the tools that were delivered, and which can be found on the project website,
de Does, J et al. 2017. Namescape: Named Entity Recognition from a Literary Perspective. In: Odijk J. & van Hessen A (eds.), CLARIN in the Low Countries. London: Ubiquity Press. DOI:
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Published on Dec. 28, 2017